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Monday, November 4, 2013

Mazionah's Speech

Hi every one. Today I am gonna talk, ah, about a serious topic which is sleep disorders because the time does not help me so I will only talk about one type of sleep disorders which named sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a serious problem that people have, ah, during their sleep. When the person stop breathing, ah, repeatedly during their sleep this sleep apnea and people with unrelated, ah, people with unrelated, oh, untreated sleep apnea can, uh, interrupt their sleeping many times, hundreds of times. So this means that the brain and the rest of the body may not get enough oxygen.
There are two types of sleep apnea: First one, Obstructive Sleep Apnea which is called OSA. This, ah, when, ah, the, the, um, blockage airway stop, which, um the soft tissue in the back of the throat closed the airway. So the person can’t breathe. So this causes the obstructive sleep apnea. The anther type is not because the blockage in the airway, but the brain fails to signal the muscles to breath due to instability in the, ah, respiratory of the, ah, control a center. There are many risk of these, uh, there are many risks from this problem, such as hurt diseases, stroke, depressions, and diabetes. This kind of sleep disorders can effect anyone at any age especially people who, especially male and being, ah, overweight, being over age 40, and having a history of ah, having a history of sleep apnea. Thank you so much.
I was a little nervous. i don't know why? It was not the first time for me to speak in the front of the class. So for this reason, i did some grammar mistakes that i am sure i would not do them if i were writing. Also, i did some Uh and Um, but i will do my best to avoid them next time. However, i spoke very fluently and clearly, and my intonation was quite good.I used some good academic vocabulary.

pronunciation: 5\5
vocabulary: 5\5
Crammer: 4\5

1 comment:

  1. Finally done. Not bad, but not great. Your soundcloud link works. There are some errors in your transcript (not exactly the same as your spoken words), but quite good. Your analysis is not in depth -- what grammar errors do you refer to? The speech is not fluent -- it is very halting. Your presentation could be improved -- link image; proper subtitles and spacing; spelling. What is "Crammer"? 6.5/10
